WP Github Recent Commit Widget
Dan Holloran • March 10, 2015
I released my second plugin this week on the Wordpress repository, WP Github Recent Commit. It is a widget that allows you to display your most recent commits from the master branch of a public repository. Also it grabs a random Octocat from the Octodex, because who doesn't love Octocats! I initially built this widget for my site and figured some one else may use it. You can check out a demo at http://demo.danholloran.com/github-commit-widget-demo/ which shows the new short code and template function that are not available in the Wordpress repository so far, hopefully sometime this week. If you want to try the bleeding edge version out head over to my Github repo and grab the latest .zip of the master branch, beware it may bite. If you want easy updates grab the current Wordpress version here. It should be updated soon, if I can figure out this SVN stuff. If you would like more information head over here