
August 9, 2015

Setting Up a Jekyll Blog - Part 4

So now that we know how to get started with building the structure of our site we can start styling. Since Jekyll is based on Ruby it makes sense that the preprocessor of choice is Sass/SCSS. I...


August 6, 2015

Using Trello to Manage Your Blog Posts

So I have been trying to get in the habit of writing more but to do that it helps to have a bank of ideas. So I do not have to sit down and try to find something to write about. I've really liked...


August 4, 2015

Change URLs On Your WP Engine Install

We recently switched to WP Engine which is an excellent choice for WordPress hosting. Managed hosting I believe is the best way to host a WordPress site. However it does have some quirks compared to...


August 2, 2015

Is Apple Pay, Coin, etc. Helpful?

Are "card consolidators" like Apple Pay, Coin, etc. useful? I would say it depends on, it really depends on where you shop and if you are ok still bringing a backup card. I have been using both Apple...


July 29, 2015

Setting Up a Jekyll Blog - Part 3

Jekyll uses a templating language named Liquid developed at Shopify. This gives you so extra abiliteis above that of plain old HTML. Such as conditionals, loops, access to variables, etc. which...


July 25, 2015

Shortcode API You're Doing It Wrong

Few things first I am only using You're Doing It Wrong because WordPress core uses that internally so please do not take offense to it. Second for full disclosure I'm not a big fan of shortcodes in...


July 23, 2015

WordCamp USA City Chosen

So the WordCamp USA city has been chosen Philadelphia Matt Mullenweg announced it today. I was really hoping for Chicago since it is close and I really like it up there. However Philadelphia I am...


July 19, 2015

My 5ish Favorite Atom Plugins

So I have been migrating from using Sublime Text lately after using it exclusively for the past 3 or so years to Atom. So I figured I would document my current 5 or so favorite plugins. I am sure a...


July 18, 2015

WP Better Attachments v1.3.11 Released

WP Better Attachments version 1.3.11 has been relased to If you have a question feel free to ask it on the support forums or open an issue on Github. You can find the list of changes...


July 18, 2015

WPBA Thoughts and Road Map

Thank you to all who participated in the survey about WP Better Attachments Re-write. It did help to reinforce a few things I already thought. Primarialy the cropping portion probably would be best...
