Hello, I'm Dan Holloran.

I'm a Full Stack Developer, Photographer, and lifelong learner. Hello, I'm Dan Holloran! I'm a Full Stack Developer, photographer, and traveler based in St. Louis, MO. I have a passion for learning, building, exploring, and helping others succeed through mentorship.
Let's Chat!
About image
If it is not right, do not do it, if it is not true, do not say it.
- Marcus Aurelius


Senior Frontend Developer


February 2020 - Present

Tradier builds APIs for the stock market.

I am responsibly for updating and maintaining the frontend platform. Built primarily in Vue.js with some of the older projects in Ember.js.

Engineering Director (Senior Full Stack Developer)


October 2019 - February 2020

Ample is a digital agency in Cincinnati, OH.

  • Lead one of 2 development teams. Was responsible for technical decisions for the team and developer career progression,
  • Built Jamstack related sites, primarily using Gatsby hosted on Netlify.

Lead Developer (Full-Stack Developer)

Matchbox Design Group

November 2012 - October 2019

Matchbox Design Group is a full-service digital agency in St. Louis, MO. They specialize in building custom websites that are easy to use. They have a large range of clients from around the St. Louis area.

I was responsible for managing the development process for projects. I helped build out the larger back-end features in PHP such as inventory importers. Along with helping to move forward process and communication initiatives between the different teams.



May 2016 - June 2017

LaunchCode is a program that helps participants make the transition into development. They teach the fundamentals of development and help with job placement.

I mentored 3 different participants helping them with their final project. I helped them with coding, process, and architecture questions. All 3 of the participants completed their projects.

Web Developer

Freeman Marketing

May 2012 - November 2012

Freeman Marketing at that time was a small agency based out of St. Charles, MO. That specialized in building custom WordPress websites for local businesses. I was an in-office contractor during my time there.

I was responsible for converting Photoshop designs into WordPress marketing websites. Along with some content and SEO strategy. For part of the time there I was helping an intern web developer as well that was in school.

Bachelors - Web Design & Development

Full Sail University

November 2009 - March 2012

This was a fast-paced ~2-year bachelor program that was fully online. There I learned the fundamentals of web design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and ActionScript.

With each class being about a month-long it taught me how to get up to speed on new topics. This was a good experience since it's much like the web industry fast-paced and there is always something new to learn. One of the biggest take away was to learn how to read documentation well. This will help you use any tool, language, framework, etc. not just the tools you are using.

Get in touch


  • Hardcore History
  • No Plans to Merge
  • Soft Skills Engineering
  • Making Sense With Sam Harris
  • Fullstack Radio
  • Laravel News Podcast
  • Commandline Heros
  • Shoptalk Show

What I'm Reading

Advanced Techniques in Day Trading: A Practical Guide to High Probability Day Trading Strategies and Methods cover

Advanced Techniques in Day Trading: A Practical Guide to High Probability Day Trading Strategies and Methods

This well-thought-out training regimen begins with an in-depth look at the necessary tools of the trade including your scanner, software and platform; and then moves to practical advice on subjects such as how to find the right stocks to trade, how to...
The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich cover

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

A new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller on how to reconstruct your life so it's not all about work Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not...

March 26, 2022

Avoid Using Else

I agree with this post from Freek Van der Herten. Avoiding else is one thing I feel makes for a quick win when refactoring code. I feel like if you want to add else you...


June 26, 2021

Questions to ask before choosing a static site generator

I wrote this "Questions to ask before choosing a static site generator" on my works (Ample) blog a while ago. Though, I had never added a link to it here. I outline some of the most common static...


June 19, 2021

Just How Niche is Headless WordPress?

I thought this post Just How Niche is Headless WordPress? on CSS-Tricks does a great job at outlining how Headless WordPress can be utilized. I believe for certain situations headless WordPress is...


June 13, 2021

target=blank (CSS-Tricks)

I saw this post (Originally posted on CSS-Tricks) this week about using target="blank" instead of target="_blank" earlier this week. I was amazed that I did not learn this...
