Hello, I'm Dan Holloran.
Engineered Hunting Gear
http://ehggear.com/ Built @ Matchbox Design GroupWordPress Vue.js WooCommerce Tailwind.css -
Movers Study - United Van Lines
https://moversstudy.unitedvanlines.com/ Built @ Matchbox Design GroupWordPress Vue.js Tailwinds.css -
Firm Exchange
https://firmexchange.com/ Built @ Matchbox Design GroupLaravel Vue.js Algolia WordPress -
Kindling WordPress Framework
Not Public Built @ Matchbox Design GroupWordPress Composer NPM Blade Laravel Webpack Tailwind.css -
Industrial Soap Company
https://industrialsoap.com/ Built @ Matchbox Design GroupWordPress WooCommerce -
Imperial Sports
https://imperialsports.com/ Built @ Matchbox Design GroupWordPress WooCommerce Vue.js
Get in touch
What I'm Reading

Advanced Techniques in Day Trading: A Practical Guide to High Probability Day Trading Strategies and Methods

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich
March 26, 2022
Avoid Using Else
I agree with this post from Freek Van der Herten. Avoiding else
is one thing I feel makes for a quick win when refactoring code. I feel like if you want to add else
June 26, 2021
Questions to ask before choosing a static site generator
I wrote this "Questions to ask before choosing a static site generator" on my works (Ample) blog a while ago. Though, I had never added a link to it here. I outline some of the most common static...
ReadJune 19, 2021
Just How Niche is Headless WordPress?
I thought this post Just How Niche is Headless WordPress? on CSS-Tricks does a great job at outlining how Headless WordPress can be utilized. I believe for certain situations headless WordPress is...
ReadJune 13, 2021
target=blank (CSS-Tricks)
I saw this post (Originally posted on CSS-Tricks) this week about using target="blank"
instead of target="_blank"
earlier this week. I was amazed that I did not learn this...