Moving From WordPress to Ghost to Jekyll

Dan Holloran Avatar Dan Holloran • July 10, 2015

So I had previously moved my blog from WordPress to Ghost. I really like the fact that ghost is a lot lighter and you can write your posts in markdown by default. For hosting a blog I almost feel for a developer WordPress is overkill obviously for a general user Jekyll would be way too difficult. I spend most of my day in a code editor and a large amount in a terminal. So it is not much of a stretch to use a static site generator like Jeykll for me.

I just need a simple blog that is fast, easy to update and allows me to write in markdown. Well Ghost somewhat accomplishes the fast part it feels faster than WordPress. Ghost also accomplishes the easy to update part since it is primarily handle bars templates which is a lot closer to simple pure HTML than WordPress. Plus I work in WordPress all day long and really do not want to come home and edit a WordPress blog. I liked the Ghost markdown editor granted it was a little buggy and seemed to choke on larger amounts of text still it made the blogging experience nice.

However Ghost still let something to be desired so I started looking into to Jeykll which has much of the same benefits of Ghost fast, easy to update using Liquid templates/HTML and Markdown by default. Granted you give up a small amount of ease of use for the speed of a static site. It was a little harder on the initial setup but now that it is I don't feel like it is harder to update. I prefer to write in a text editor most of the time and then just transfer the text into the editor. Now instead of copying/pasting it and making sure everything carried over correctly. I can just make a commit and push it to Github where I also host it using Github Pages.

Honestly I think the hardest part about setting up a Jeykll blog is to install Ruby. Which is really fairly easy on a Mac or any type of Linux. I believe I've seen a Windows installer but if I had to use the Windows command prompt I would just have given up. Honestly I am surprised when a developer doesn't already have ruby and node installed among other things I don't know. I am working on a step by step how I setup Jeykll and Github pages it probably be a good Idea to add installing ruby too.

Well, this has been my first post on my shinny new Jeykll blog which currently has the stock theme on it. I may get around to changing the theme or I may just put that energy into writing more.